Our fast-moving times demand effective results with a minimum of time and money. That's why nfoapps now offers one solution for everything!
CLEVERpat is on the market! infoapps is focussing on simple, training-free new product. An innovative operating concept is the key to its success and combines a worldwide patent search, patent monitoring and our proven workflow. Thanks to the resulting seamless communication chain, your patent work is done efficiently and quickly.
There is no need for training for our new adaptive application because its operation is fully in keeping with the spirit of the times - simple and intuitive. From the global patent search to the necessary measures to the automated exchange of knowledge, everything is combined in a single tool.
Apply for your trial access today!
In a secure environment, you can define your actual way of working in a productive test account. When you sign the CLEVERpat contract, you can get started right away. The migration of your relevant data and annotations will be integrated without any loss of quality, security or knowledge. This improves your market overview.