Increase your competitive intelligence

Patent search with infoapps

infoapps offers you the professional patent search database in which you can quickly and easily find highly relevant intellectual property rights for your business areas.

  • 180M+ patent data
  • weekly update
  • combine searches
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State-of-the-art analysis

A new development costs you a lot of time and money! Maybe your idea already exists? A thorough prior art analysis reduces your risk of patent infringement or misdevelopment and increases your chances of being granted.

  • Trend analysis and statistics
  • different search strategies
  • quick and easy export

Collect patent knowledge

A good patent search is complete, filtered according to your needs and without duplicate viewings. Combine your searches using the search history, which is always at your fingertips.

  • Automatic alerts
  • Create projects
  • Compare result lists


  • Approximately 180 million patent documents
  • Continuously expanded full text coverage
  • Search in machine translations
  • Updated weekly


  • Field-based Boolean search including fuzzy logic
  • Trend analysis and advanced statistical analysis
  • Relevant conceptual hit display
  • Intuitively set projects, alerts, etc.

Save time

  • Family consolidation (INPADOC) of hits
  • Automatic assignment of individual patents
  • Processing of complex queries 
  • Extensive information on patent citations
  • Patent search
  • Legal status
  • Citation analyser
  • Search history
  • Global data
  • Trend-analysis

From search to strategic patent monitoring


Private Cloud Solution


Patent Information System

The right patent search for your company

Make daily patent work easier with infoapps

Optimized usability
Avoid misdevelopments & patent infringements
Perfectly structured workflow